UrbanOlx.com is one of the fastest growing resource website covering useful publications on gas station, car wash, auto insurance, auto parking and electric charging station. Recently, we have decided to offer a range of advertising options for our partners who are looking to work with us and promote their products or services with our growing readers base.

As of now, UrbanOlx is offering following advertising and promotional services:

# Sponsored Reviews

Sponsored reviews will cover a detailed review (2000+ words) about your product or service by our editorial team. The sponsored reviews are completely unbiased in nature covering both positives and negatives.

The editorial post will be followed by extensive promotions over our social media channels and email newsletters.

Price – Varies

# List in Collections

We know there are a lot of useful and feature-rich around, and almost all of them deserves a duly mention. Though our team takes a lot of effort to include all the category, it is practically not possible for our team to include all the categories in our lists with new launches every day.

If you have launched a new locations articles, you can intimate us to include your categories in our already published collections at a very reasonable price. We offer both random inclusions as well as featured inclusions.

Listing Price – Varies

# Banner Ads

We also provide options to promote your product in the form of site-wide banner advertisements in our sidebar and will be visible on all posts. We can even offer you sticky banners to provide maximum impressions for your ad slots.

Price (300x250px) – Varies

Enquiry Form

For more information on pricing, Please get in touch with us along with your product information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

You may also send us an direct email at: herrycharan90@gmail.com